Elite City, where life began last December, was shown as the world's largest reference by RehauGeneo, as it was preferred in the highest quality products from the selection of the materials used in its construction to the application.
At the award ceremony held in Germany, RehauGeneo officials stated that Şua İnşaat's Elite City project is a global reference due to the use of quality and functional materials in all its details.
In Elite City, where life continues, sales of the last apartments in 1+1, 2+1 and 3+1 options continue. In the project, 90% of which found their owners, 1+1 flats start from 270 thousand TL, 2+1 flats start from 395 thousand TL, and 3+1 flats start from 537 thousand TL. While repayments are made through contracted banks for up to 120 months, alternative payment plans are also offered.
In the project, where wide social life and sports areas are offered, there are indoor and outdoor swimming pools, fitness center, playgrounds, shopping units, kindergarten and 24-hour private security.
Unlike many similar branded housing projects, the use of the social facility in Elite City is entirely reserved for the residents of the site and no additional fee is charged.
The nursery of the site, which will be operated by Türk HAVAK, one of the well-established foundations of Turkey, will also serve only the residents of the site.